Welcome to our dedicated Resources page. Here you'll find previous examples of our work, research and toolkits that we have developed in conjunction with our clients and partners, as well as external resources we think helpful to organisations and commissioners. We hope you find the below useful, and please get in touch if you have a question or would like to know more about any of our publications.
Following the failure of Allied Health Care; North West ADASS commissioned ARCC to initially review homecare contracts in the context of market failure to identify what lessons could be applied to minimise impact in future incidents of provider failure. ARCC were commissioned to develop the Contingency Planning Toolkit, in response to a survey of North West local authorities LAs which identified 11 out of the 23 LA’s had documented contingency plans in place.
Working in conjunction with ADASS and a selection of North West Councils, ARCC identified local and national best practices which formed the basis of an initial draft of the framework. The toolkit has been developed with a focus on regulated provision, namely: home care, residential and nursing homes and extra care housing; and is formed of 2 key parts: (1) setting up contingency plans and (2) dealing with provider failure.
The toolkit incorporates easy-to-use quick start checklists, sample plans and real-life practical examples of application. It also explores the importance and function of business continuity in contingency planning and how this can be embedded into day-to-day operations, how we identify and manage risk, what information contingency plans should include and the practical steps to take in the event of an incident.
Provider Contingency
Planning Toolkit
Market Development
Our review of Salford’s Market Position Statement (MPS) and subsequent development of the Market Development Strategy was compiled from desktop analysis of local approaches to market management, sector-specific best practice and detailed engagement with over 100 stakeholders from across the health and social care system. During the project various market challenges were explored, this included gaps in provision such as non-institutional support for those who can no longer live at home and complex care placements.
The approach taken in this review utilised the analogy of a market hall; focusing on the market hall as a structure that entices trade and offers a positive environment for growth, as opposed to the act of counting how many stalls we have of ‘type A’ and how many ‘type B and C’ we need in the future. This is a fundamental distinction as one of our key premises has been that an area can only develop or attract ‘type B and C’ stalls if the environment is right.
Through our 1:1 interviews and workshops across the system we developed a “roadmap” which included (1) a system-wide “vision” for the market, (2) market enablers that ensure system assets are utilised to best effect, and (3) thematic recommendations and actions.
Cost of Care Toolkit
In late 2021, working with the Local Government Association and ADASS, ARCC developed our homecare cost toolkit with the aim of supporting councils and providers to better understand the hourly unit cost of homecare in the context of varying business operating models in the market. ARCC produced this toolkit in response to the current practices across commissioning and provider markets, namely, a lack of understanding on both sides in regard to how unit costs and fee rates are affected by aspects of the domiciliary care market workforce, such as the impact of visit length/ type on unit costs.
Working with the LGA in 2021, ARCC took the model out to test in several regions, conducting demo sessions, roadshows and providing the draft toolkit to several authorities and providers to provide feedback. Views were received from over 200 providers and commissioners over a 5-month period to produce a final version of the tool, published in February 2022.
As a result of the work, the toolkit was supported nationally across 152 local authorities in England during the DHSC cost of care exercises in 2022.
The work is featured on here; on the Local Government Association website here and on ARCC’s own support website here.
COVID-19 Health and Care Lessons Learned
July 2020, North West ADASS (NWADASS) set out to conduct a “Lessons Learned” review across the 23 North West local authorities, exploring the health and care system’s response to Covid-19 and the implications for the future direction of social care in the region (as defined in the ‘Care 2030 Strategy’). The purpose of the review was not merely to recount what happened during the first phase of the pandemic, but also to understand why it happened.
In recognition that the situation with the pandemic is ever-changing, it was also important to capture the lessons learned which could be incorporated into ‘real time’ responses to the current surge in cases.
Our report is based on five months' work which included more than 250 hours of interviews with over 300 stakeholders from across the system and a desktop review of over 50 recent publication relating to the impact of the pandemic on the health and social care system, from thought leaders within the sector.
The project provides evidence of working across an entire region with hundreds of stakeholders across the system to tackle a complex issue – includes considerations for workforce, leadership and applying learnings from the Covid-19 response to the future.